Making Sense Of Ministry | Youth Ministry & Children's Ministry
Making Sense of Ministry is the Youth Ministry and Children's Ministry podcast designed to guide you toward success. Why? Because we want young people to know the love God has for them. This podcast, presented by the Youth Ministry Institute, is hosted by Brian Lawson and Kirsten Knox. So whether you're full-time, part-time, or a volunteer in ministry, we're glad you are here!
39 episodes
Navigating Volunteer Leadership: Fostering Growth and Confidence in Ministry Volunteers | Season 5: Episode 9
Have you ever had a team of volunteers but had no idea how to help them develop? Should you provide training for them? If so, how often and what in the world do you teach them?That’s the kind of challenge Kirsten Knox and Brian Lawson a...
Season 5
Episode 9
Five-Minute Mentoring: Guiding Volunteers Beyond the Welcome Mat in Ministry | Season 5: Episode 8
Have you ever considered that welcoming new volunteers is just the first step on a much longer journey? That's precisely the focus of our latest episode on Making Sense of Ministry. In this Five-Minute Mentoring episode, Brian Lawson walks you ...
Season 5
Episode 8
Onboarding Volunteers in Ministry: Insights and Strategies to Enhance A New Volunteer's Experience | Season 5: Episode 7
How do you onboard a new volunteer? We know that if you don't welcome and guide a new volunteer in your Youth Ministry or Children's Ministry well, they will likely not last. So if it's time for you to up your onboarding skills, then give this ...
Season 5
Episode 7
Five-Minute Mentoring: Turning 'No' Around in Volunteer Recruitment | Season 5: Episode 6
Do you struggle with asking for help? You're not alone. Join me, Kirsten Knox, as I divulge my own trials with this issue, particularly how it influenced my effectiveness in recruiting volunteers for youth ministry. Learn how changing my perspe...
Season 5
Episode 6
From Guacamole to Four Square: Secrets to Reducing Frustration with Volunteers | Season 5: Episode 5
Have you ever found yourself spiraling in frustration? Join us as we share our personal tales – Brian's tussle with a guacamole-less Chipotle visit and Kirsten's fiery four-square showdown. And the truth is, we can feel frustration...
Season 5
Episode 5
Five-Minute Mentoring: Making The Ask of Potential Volunteers | Season 5: Episode 4
Ready to ask a potential volunteer to join your Youth Ministry or Children's Ministry? In this episode, Brian uncovers how to successfully connect with potential volunteers, from choosing the ideal setting for your conversation to effec...
Season 5
Episode 4
The Power of Diversifying Volunteer Teams | Season 5: Episode 3
Ever wondered how a NASCAR risk manager or a post office worker could be the best addition to your ministry team? Buckle up! We’re about to take you on a unique journey about unique volunteers. We've learned the immense value of diversi...
Season 5
Episode 3
Five-Minute Mentoring: First Step In Building Your Volunteer Ministry Team | Season 5: Episode 2
Ready to create a stellar volunteer team for your ministry? Kirsten Knox will guide you through the process of choosing the best possible team for your ministry. We kickstart the discussion with an engaging debate about the greates...
Season 5
Episode 2
The Power of Volunteers in Youth and Children's Ministries | Season 5: Episode 1
In this episode, we walk through tales of memorable volunteers, the influences they wield on youth and children's ministries, and the lessons we can glean from their stories. Ever been amused by a volunteer who does something quirky? Or marvele...
Season 5
Episode 1
Five-Minute Mentoring: On The Interwoven Web Of Joys And Complaints | Season 4: Episode 10
Have you ever had someone complain, and now it's all you can think about? Have complaints ruined a meaningful moment in ministry? In this Five-Minute Mentoring episode, Brian discusses the interwoven web of joys and complaints. Understanding th...
Season 4
Episode 10
On Feeling Spiritually Dry In Ministry & Is It Time To Quit | Season 4: Episode 9
Everyone goes through seasons of feeling spiritually dry. Perhaps that is you right now. You may even wonder if it is time to quit children's or youth ministry. In this episode, Brian and Kirsten discuss being spiritually dry and how to move fo...
Season 4
Episode 9
Five-Minute Mentoring: On The Impact Of Knowing Your Audience
In this episode of Five-Minute Mentoring, we explore knowing your audience and why it may be one of your best ways to gain respect from both parents and church members while creating stronger relationships with young people.Resources...
Season 4
Episode 8
On Drama in Our Youth Ministry or Children's Ministry | Season 4: Episode 7
Have you ever experienced drama in your ministry? No matter the age group we serve, there will be drama. In this episode, Kirsten and Brian discuss the drama they have experienced in ministry and how they handle it.Resources M...
Season 4
Episode 7
Five-Minute Mentoring: On Transparency And Oversharing | Season 4: Episode 6
In this episode of Five-Minute Mentoring, we explore the concept of transparency in ministry, the danger of oversharing, and why these are important concepts to apply to your leadership and ministry.Resources Mentioned...
Season 4
Episode 6
On Discouragement in Youth Ministry and Children's Ministry | Season 4: Episode 5
In truth, we all face discouragement at times. So what do we do about it? How do you handle discouragement? And will it defeat you? In this episode, Brian and Kirsten discuss a few thoughts on discouragement in youth ministry and children's min...
Season 4
Episode 5
The Struggle To Connect Personally With Parents And What We Can Do About It | Season 4: Episode 4
In this episode, Brian and Kirsten share the struggle many Youth and Children's Ministers face when connecting with parents. If you struggle to connect with parents, you will appreciate this episode.Resources Mentioned...
Season 4
Episode 4
Our Rookie And Not So Rookie Mistakes In Youth And Children's Ministry | Season 4: Episode 3
In this episode, Brian and Kirsten share some of the mistakes they made as a rookie in ministry and some that they continue to make. Their discussion will give you confidence, insights, and ways to avoid these common mistakes in your ministry.<...
Season 4
Episode 3
Being Stretched, Sharing Values, and Upping Your Communication Game | Season 4: Episode 2
In this episode, Brandon Sangster from St. Lukes's UMC joins Brian and Kirsten to discuss communicating values and upping your communication game to...
Season 4
Episode 2
Pumpkin Spice, Fall Ministry and One BIG Reason Why You Should Properly Support Volunteers | Season 4: Episode 1
In this episode, Brian and Kirsten share some of their hopes for ministry this fall, reflect on interesting summer stories, and discuss one BIG way you should support your volunteers.Resources Mentioned
Season 4
Episode 1
On Summer Ministry Strategies & Whether We Love It or Hate it | Season 3: Episode 5
Steve Schneeberger, YMI founder and Lead Director of Student Ministries across all locations for Church of the Resurrection (the largest UMC in the United States), joins us to discuss Summer ministry strategies, p...
Season 3
Episode 5
Serving In Ministry With Your Spouse | Season 3: Episode 4
In today's conversation, Heather and Joel Pancoast from Gator Wesley join us to discuss serving in ministry alongside your spouse. If you are married and in ministry, this is an excellent episode for you....
Season 3
Episode 4
Getting Young People To Engage Scripture & Ministry Of Presence | Season 3: Episode 3
Do you struggle to get young people to engage with Scripture? Have you ever considered the impact of the ministry of presence?In this episode, Kirsten and Brian invite Joel Lusz into a conversation around how to engage students with Scr...
Season 3
Episode 3
Insider Secrets - Landing Your Next Ministry Role | Season 3: Episode 2
Are you searching for your next ministry role? Or perhaps you might be in the near future?In this episode, Kirsten and Brian invite Maresi Brown into a conversation around how to land your next youth or children's ministry job. And beca...
Season 3
Episode 2
Discover and Focus on Key Ministry Pieces in 2022 | Season 3: Episode 1
In this episode, Brian and Kirsten discuss the few essential elements they would focus on in 2022. Join us as we discuss discovering and focusing on the things that will make the most significant difference in your ministry this year.
Season 3
Episode 1